Thursday, August 7, 2014

Whole 30 Day 4

I slept MUCH better last night thankfully. Sugar cravings were less but damn...I sure would like a nice glass of red wine right now. Oh well. I'll survive!

Breakfast-- Sunny side up egg, sauteed baby arugula with raw pumpkin seeds, asparagus, plantains fried in coconut oil, a piece of crap free bacon and a big mug of coffee with coconut milk.
Lunch-- Leftover lamb and duck egg fried cauliflower "rice" and leftover curry lamb with eggplant/basil. Had a lovely nectarine. I'm obsessed with stone fruit right now. I also had several of the kiddo's organic green grapes. Peppermint tea with gelatin came after.
Snack--DAMN YOU TRADER JOES! Damn you and your wonderful dried mango. Picked this up on a whim today and I'm almost ashamed to admit that I might have made myself slightly sick off of how much I crammed in my mouth. Yum. I had another peppermint tea with gelatin at my friend's house. After our playdate I had a Lara Bar (we were gone from noon til 5pm so I brought snacks with us) and a handful of macadamia nuts. More mango followed. Told you...sick...
Dinner-Organic slow cooker roasted chicken with onions, sauteed baby kale and cauliflower puree.. SO GOOD and lots of leftovers. :)

Tomorrow I'm getting up early and hitting the gym to blow up shoulders. I don't typically lift fasted but I'm giving it a go to see how my body feels during and after.


  1. That looks delicious...and I simply cannot have macadamia nuts around the house or i'd be so naughty!!!

  2. Thanks Mindy! I too love macadamia nuts (especially with a Medjool date) but I can control myself. Hubby, on the other hand, gets crazy on them. He could use the calories and fat so it's all good. ;) Those dang mangoes are the only thing that I won't buy again. I'll stick to the fresh ones.
