Friday, August 22, 2014

Whole 30 Day 19

Woke up well rested again. Quads are still pissed but I'm headed out for a nice slow recovery run with some core work. Dr's appt is today to discuss the fatigue issues.

Update--Recover run my butt! I hauled ass and it felt GOOD. First mile was 7:19 pace. I intentionally slowed it down after that. Whoo. Dr's appt went well. I have a bunch of labs to get drawn on Monday morning. We are checking Iron, B-12 and all the other usual suspects.

Breakfast--Roasted rosemary potatoes, steak, turkey egg, sauteed kale, coffee as usual and a few
slices of a glorious white peach. So into stone fruit right now!

Snack-- Apple pie Lara bar, handful of almonds and dried mango
Lunch--Leftover Damn Fine chicken, a tiny chunk of salmon, kale with pesto, grilled sweet taters and some pineapple.

Snack--The rest of my mango and almonds snack from earlier. 1 slice of US Wellness turkey jerky, date bite.
Dinner--Slow cooker whole chicken with veggies (recipe below), sauteed greens and the lovely BBQ sauce I made earlier.  

To make this chicken I take a whole bird (I buy mine in a two pack from Costco for around $20 for two ORGANIC chickens),
I take out the innards, rinse it, pat it dry, give it a nice massage with avocado oil, season it as I feel fit (today I used Herbs De Provence, garlic powder and onion powder), toss it in the slow cooker on top of whatever veggies float my boat (onions, celery and carrots today), close it all up and cook it on low for 8 hours. Right before serving I CAREFULLY remove the chicken to a foil line baking sheet and broil it for a few til the skin is nice and crisp. I also like to take the juices in the slow cooker and simmer them/season them to make a nice gravy. Yummy, easy and it feeds our family of 3 for several meals. I also save the bones to make bone broth.

BBQ sauce. I need something for my leftover grilled chicken tomorrow and for our ribs on Sunday. :)

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