Friday, September 5, 2014

Whole 30 Day 33--I'm Finished

Done blogging about what I've been eating. Will continue eating this way like always but will enjoy a paleo baked goodie, occasional wine and dark chocolate when the mood hits BUT NOT IN EXCESS. ;) No guilt. It's been fun. As I stated earlier...I feel too restricted. Can't even have honey if I want it. Nah, done. I made progress in slaying my sugar cravings, my bloat is mostly gone (here on big running days but that's not dietary) and I feel pretty good in general fatigue issues aside. Still going to blog about fitness stuff and food stuff on occasion I'm sure. Next thing to I step on the scale to see where I'm at? Is it important to me in any way shape or form?


1 comment:

  1. I remember reading someone comment on your previous post, that what is important is how you feel. Will the scale help you feel better? You are fit and fabulous, that's me weighing in on fantastic you. ;) Happy weekend! Oh and cheers!
