Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Home Workouts and "Real Women"

I wanted to run but woke up tired so I decided tomorrow I'll run for time. As in I'm choosing to run for 1 hour. I'll see how far I can get. Not going by pace or mileage. :)

Today I opted for a home workout. The thing I love most about working out at home is that when I'm done, I can lay on my floor and relax...ahhhhhhh.

 I used to find a kettlebell workout that was quick and to the point. I love their site for home butt kicking. You don't need to spend hours, you don't need to spend money and you don't even need to use equipment if you want a body weight workout. There's a workout for everyone and their mothers. Check them out

Came across this article as I was enjoying my coffee. It's worth a read! There is no right way to be a "real woman".....This goes along with my "do what makes YOU happy and what works for YOU". Care to share your thoughts after you read it? I was just chatting with a friend last night about recovery time and the "shaming" I got from a trainer at a local gym a few months ago when I said I'd had to take a week off. Interesting stuff and my friend was very insightful. Thanks for that chat B. It reminded me that being fit comes in all shapes, sizes and activity levels. Actually my other friend B and I had a chat about doing what works for your body as well. Lots of fitness chats happening right now. LOL!

Along those lines...I don't think anyone is better than anybody else. If you want to drink what others perceive to be a chemical shit storm in your coffee, go ahead. If you want to try to keep that stuff out your diet, go ahead. Do what works for YOU. Let's all just agree to disagree if needed and move on. No need to point fingers and say "my way is better than yours". **shrugs**

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