Today I was chatting online (as I do daily) with my friend T. I love her. She's a feisty lady who thinks exactly the way I do which sometimes can be a bit snarky. ;) It's nice to have someone that can get where I'm coming from without me seeming like a jerk! I was telling her that I'm not sure if I'm going to keep on with the Whole 30 for the full 60 days or not. Again, I eat this way mostly anyway..just with some occasional wine, peanut butter and crap free chocolate added it. She said to me "Do what makes you happy". I fired back with "I'm not really sure what that is right now". And that, my friends, is the plain and simple truth! I honestly don't know what makes me happy right now. I love running, I miss lifting really heavy. I love the way I'm eating but I do miss wine and I do feel really restricted which is exactly what I've been trying to get way from. I'm at a crossroads again and I'm not sure which direction to head in. That's where my head is at this week. More later!
Awwww! I feel super special! I love you too! You are an amazing person and friend.