So. Here I sit..taking a forced rest day yet again. My body is wiped, my knee is jacked. I have pain from the knee cap all the way into my calf. I feel it when I walk. Haven't run since last Tuesday's boot camp. I was feeling really tight after my race last Sunday with some knee pain. Nothing new. I did a recovery run on Monday. Only 3 miles but I pushed the pace too much. Come Tuesday my right leg was already super duper sore. I went to boot camp anyway and pushed as best I could. By the end I was in hella pain. Ended up walking/limping home afterwards. By Tuesday night I couldn't cross my right leg in front of my left without crying out in pain. It hurt SO bad. I woke up Wednesday with a stomach bug AND a jacked leg. Think my body was asking for a break or what?
I took 3 days off from training. Stomach thing kicked my ass hardcore. Leg still hurt by the weekend but it wasn't bad. Saturday I went to the gym to lift. Even barbell push presses hurt my leg. Bad news huh? Sunday I rested again. Yesterday I wanted to run but my leg was still achy so I did a short bike ride then came home to work core. Today I wanted to lift but woke up so wiped out I can hardly move. I don't know what's going on! :( Trying to honor my body asking for rest but this sucks.
My half marathon is in less than 2 weeks. I KNOW I won't PR. Hell, at this point I'm hoping I complete it without having to walk. I've NEVER walked in a half and I don't intend to do it now. Fingers crossed a little more rest gives my leg time to heal. I really need to get in one more long run but I don't know if that'll happen or not. I may limp run the whole thing but damn it, I'm going to finish it regardless.
I've been thinking about my fitness level lately. I've taken a frustratingly big step backwards and I'm not sure what's going on. I've lost my energy is poop and my body isn't strong like it was. Working out is my xanax and I'm feeling really depressed that I can't hit my workouts like I normally do. I feel like a failure. Silly I know but it's the honest truth. I feel like I'm letting myself down. Letting my friends down. I feel like not having the fight in me to push push push is a sign of weakness.
Distance running isn't my thing anymore. I said it after my last half and I knew it going in to this one. After November 8th, I'm keeping it to 10ks and runs less than 1 hour. I'm faster that way and I like it. I love trail running too so I'll try to incorporate more of that into my life. My little bit of muscle gain I made has been eaten in to. Bye bye round squat booty. Bye bye little bit of ab definition. I feel jiggly and yucky. Nothing fits. My leg is jacked.
Yep...pretty sure body is telling me it's done. Back to hitting the iron hard and heavy. I DO have a 15k in January but I"m not worried about training for that. As long as I keep my running up at least once a week, I'll be fine for that race. I also have a half in March. I may downgrade to the shorter distance...I'll gauge that come end of January. For now, it's time to get back to doing what makes ME feel good.
I have signed up to have my body fat % checked on November 13th. I'm pretty nervous and I KNOW I won't like the number I hear BUT it'll give me a REAL baseline of where my caloric needs should be. I've always had to guess and it's been too much trial/error for me personally. There's also a body fat shred boot camp at my gym starting up November 10th. I'm contemplating doing it. It's 5 days a week BUT I want to talk to the trainer running it about my goals (gain lean muscle mass) and see if it's really for me or not.
So, that's where I'm at right now guys. Busted up, frustrated but at least I have a game plan for next month! I'll be turning 41 soon and I plan on kicking middle age's saggy ass. ;) Keep on keeping on peeps. Do what makes YOU happy.
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