Monday, January 25, 2016

Whole 30 Day 25

25 days in and feeling good. Pretty sure I haven't lost a pound but that's not my main focus. I just wanted to change my relationship with food.

I FEEL better emotionally and physically. My pants are fitting again finally. Please excuse my Mommy Pooch in the next photo. It's the part of my body that NEVER gets smaller..not even when I was 108 lbs! These jeans were uncomfortably snug when I started this round of Whole 30. I've also seen some nice back muscle progression but I'm not sharing that photo here. ;)

I don't crave sugary junk anymore. That's been pretty awesome! I even got the wine shipment in from my fave winery in CA...not tempted a bit.

Crossfit has been going pretty well. I'm committed to lower weights/better form! I ran last weekend with ZERO pain! So stoked to get back to running again!  Also been participating in a rowing challenge. That's been interesting. I'm not dead last in the masters division so that's awesome! ;) Told hubby I'd like to invest in a home rower someday when finances allow. I look forward to finding my zen spot on long row's like yesterday's 7500 meters. Ugh!

Been eating lots of amazing local, seasonal foods (and some not so local). I'm totally in love with kind of obsessed with it. I always hated kraut growing up. My Grandma would cook it and I'd flee the house from the fart smells as it was cooking! We've also tried a bunch of new to us Winter veggies. Most of them I'm totally in love with! It's been really fun experimenting. I like to hit up Wobbly Cart at the Oly Farmer's Market on Saturdays. They have this awesome $20 market special. Basically you fork over $20 and they give you a bunch of delish, organic, in season produce. You don't get to choose what you want so it definitely challenges me to find new recipes.

Food porn pics below!

Til next time!

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