Thursday, November 13, 2014

Perception Of Self


 noun \pər-ˈsep-shən\
: the way you think about or understand someone or something
: the ability to understand or notice something easily
: the way that you notice or understand something using one of your senses

Yesterday was my 41st birthday! I woke up early to roll out of bed and hit bootcamp for 6 am. I was a sweaty shaky mess when it was over and I loved it. I took the class with my friend SL. The trainer complimented her a few times on her muscle gains etc. I was happy for her and wondering what I looked like. I felt like I appeared to be a chunky, out of shape mess.

After bootcamp I ate breakfast, rinsed off and went to do a Pilates class when my friends TS and CS. I don't normally do 2 a day workouts but my birthday seemed a good day to punish myself. LOL! Pilates was challenging in a different way that usual for me. Slowing it down and using only my body for a workout was cool. I had a spot right in front of the mirror and every single time I bent or moved my core ALL I could see was my midsection fat rolls. It kind of ruined the class for me, I'll be honest. I felt really uncomfortable with my body and what I was seeing. Took me to a crappy place in my head.

Later in the day I was chatting with TS about life etc as usual. I sent her this message "Ugh. My rolls were grossing me out at Pilates". She replied back with "Um,actually I was going to say you are looking fabulous. Today you had tight fitting gym clothes on and you looked so lean and toned."
I found this interesting as she then stated that she felt like she looked gross as well. I, on the other hand, thought she was looking lean and mean. It made me think about perception of self. Clearly neither of us are seeing ourselves as the other sees us.

I've been told a million times in the last few years "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you". I never really got it. Seems a nice thing to say when you are blowing smoke up someone's ass. Not to say that my family or friends would do that. Til now, I've never really gotten it. It never hit home. 

So, my question for those who read this DO you see yourself the way others see you? How do you take the crappy thoughts you have about yourself (body, life or any other nagging negatives that sneak in) and push them away so that you CAN see the good things that others see? I'd love to know how you all do it and how you feel about this particular topic. :)

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